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Insert on list

List of number example

To showing how to use Vue Fluid DnD for inserting elements to a list. First, we’re going to create a list and extract the insertAt function from useDragAndDrop:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from "vue";
import { useDragAndDrop } from "vue-fluid-dnd";
const list = ref([]);
const { parent, insertAt } = useDragAndDrop(list);

Creating the view

After, we’ll create the list with an add button that call insertAt:

<ul ref="parent" class="number-list">
<li class="number" v-for="(element, index) in list" :index="index" :key="element">
{{ element }}
<button class="insert-button" @click="insertAt(list.length, list.length)">+</button>


Add inserting Class

You can add the css class setted when an element is inserted using the parameter insertingFromClass:

<script setup lang="ts">
// ...
const { parent, removeAt } = useDragAndDrop(list,{
insertingFromClass: "inserting"

Changing styles

After, we’ll add the inserting styles and transition when the class is setted:

<style scoped>
opacity: 1;
transition: opacity 200ms ease;
opacity: 0;


Add delay before insert

You can add the amount of delay time in miliseconds before inserting the element (the default is 200 miliseconds):

<script setup lang="ts">
// ...
const { parent, removeAt } = useDragAndDrop(list,{
insertingFromClass: "inserting",
delayBeforeInsert: 800
